DFE School Performance Tables
School Performance Tables as published by the DFE can be found by following this link:

Key Stage 2 Results 2023
Please find below our most recent set of data for children leaving year 6 in 2023. This information is currently unvalidated and may change pending appeals.
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Average progress in reading
Average progress in maths
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in reading
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in writing
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in maths
Average scaled score in reading
Average scaled score in maths
Key Stage 2 Results 2019
As a result of the pandemic, no National tests took place in 2020 or 2021. The government decided to archive data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise may no longer reflect current performance. Here is our school data for that year…
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Average progress in reading
Average progress in maths
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in reading
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in writing
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in maths
Average scaled score in reading
Average scaled score in maths
Key Stage 2 Results 2022
Although we are not required to share our Key Stage 2 Results from 2022, we do so as we are very proud of the achievements of our children following the impact of the pandemic.
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Average progress in reading
Not known due to impact of the pandemic.
Average progress in maths
Not known due to impact of the pandemic.
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined)
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in reading
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in writing
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard in maths
Average scaled score in reading
Average scaled score in maths

* The scores are calculated by comparing the key stage 2 test and assessment results of pupils at this school with the results of pupils in schools across England who started with similar assessment results at the end of the previous key stage – key stage 1.
A score above zero means pupils made more progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.
A score below zero means pupils made less progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.
** This score is known as the reading ‘scaled score’. The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more.