October 2020 – Year 6 Prep!
Our year 6s had a visit from Jim from Marrick Priory to prepare them for a series of canoeing sessions. They will be doing these in the absence of their traditional residential trip which has unfortunately been cancelled due to COVID-19. These sessions have taken months of planning to make sure our year 6s don’t miss out! We can’t wait!
October 2020 – Drumba Day
What an amazing day we have had again doing Drumba! Some very hot and sweaty people in school again today (including staff!) What a great way to spend the day.
October 2020 – Gardening Club keeping busy…
Our gardening club have been working hard preparing beds and planting garlic this week.
October 2020 – PE Premium Award Winners…
We are delighted to announce that we have won the North Yorkshire PE Premium Award for Whole School Improvement for an amazing 4th year in a row! We are incredibly proud of our whole school community for the work they do and the impact that school sport and physical activity has on every aspect of the children’s lives.
October 2020 – Food Bank back up and running!
Our food bank is back in action under the canopy at the front of school. We will keep this as topped up as we can again from now on. Please help yourself.
October 2020 – Year 3 and 4 Cricket and Multi-Skills
Our year 3 and 4 classes had more cricket and multi-skills fun this week. Hopefully the weather will hold out for our last couple of sessions over the coming weeks! Great work everyone.