School Staff

It can be difficult to put a name to a face! You may have seen someone and aren’t sure of their name or know someone’s name but don’t know what they look like! This page should help you with this problem. 

At our school, we have a fantastic team of dedicated teaching and support staff. We strive for nothing short of excellence in all that we do. We are never complacent about our achievements and are always looking for ways to improve our practice further. We invest in our staff to ensure that we offer the very best educational provision for all our students. We also want our students to remember their time with us with great fondness, with memories of life-enriching experiences and enduring relationships.

Teaching Staff

Mrs McHarg

Mrs McHarg


Mr Saunders

Mr Saunders

Deputy Headteacher & Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Plumb

Mrs Plumb

Year 5 Teacher

Miss Robinson

Miss Robinson

Year 4 Teacher

Miss Dickson

Miss Dickson

Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Hatfield

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs Richardson

Mrs Richardson

Year 1 Teacher

       Miss Kirkpatrick

Miss Kirkpatrick

Foundation Stage Teacher

Ms Lawrie

Ms Lawrie

EYFS Lead Practitioner

Miss Walker

Miss Walker

Currently on Maternity Leave

Support Staff

Miss Appleton

Miss Appleton

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Blenkiron

Mrs Blenkiron

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Shanley

Mrs Shanley


Miss Taylor

Miss Taylor

Senior ATA

Mrs Murrell

Mrs Murrell

Senior ATA

Mrs Flower

Mrs Flower


Miss Boynton

Miss Boynton

Teaching Assistant

Miss Kelly

Miss Kelly

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith

Senior ATA

Mrs Jordan

Mrs Jordan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Grey

Mrs Grey

Teaching Assistant

             Miss Hope

Miss Hope

Teaching Assistant

     Mrs Kelly

Mrs Kelly

Teaching Assistant

Nickie Young

Nickie Young

Pastoral & Wellbeing Mentor

Mrs Proudlock

Mrs Proudlock

Office Manager

Miss Bailey

Miss Bailey

Admin Assistant

Mrs McGilp

Mrs McGilp


Mrs Sumners

Mrs Sumners

School Cook

Mrs Coultish

Mrs Coultish

Kitchen Assistant