All Curriculum Subjects

At our school, each curriculum subject area is as important as the next. Our staff work incredibly hard to ensure a broad, relevant, memorable, balanced and inclusive curriculum is offered to all children.

Please find below information for each curriculum area including our ‘3 aims’ for each subject or subject statement as well as an overview of coverage.

Further, more detailed, curriculum documents are available in school on request.


Our 3 aims for Art are:

  • To have a chance to be creative by exploring different media and presentations and evaluating their own and others’ work
  • Have an opportunity to express themselves by being confident to follow their own judgments and develop pride in their work
  • To have an understanding and appreciation of a variety of artists from different cultures and periods of history

Please click here to see our long term overview for Art.


Our 3 aims for Computing are:

  • To gain an understanding of computer science by learning the principles of information and computing, how digital systems work and how to apply this knowledge into programming. 
  • To develop skills using information technology to create programs, digital systems and a range of digital content. 
  • To demonstrate and express ideas through information and communication technology, at a suitable level as active participants in the digital world (including e-safety). 

Please click here to see our long term overview for Computing.

Design and Technology

Our 4 aims for Design and Technology are:

  • To develop creativity by using different materials and techniques
  • To have an opportunity for real life applications e.g. food
  • To develop resilience to accept when designs don’t go right through problem solving and evaluation
  • Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others

Please click here to see our long term overview for Design and Technology.


Our statement for English is:

We teach English in an engaging and creative way to ensure that reading and writing skills are valued and enjoyed by all. We aim to match children’s interests and provide exciting, broader experiences, which allow them to explore a range of emotions as well as develop their own character.

At our school, every child reads as a writer and writes as a reader and all skills are valued in equal measure.

To view our long term overview of the texts we choose from to teach English, please click here.


Our 3 overall aims for French are:

  • To develop a willingness to explore a new language
  • To develop an understanding of a different culture rooted in mutual respect
  • To develop a confidence and competence in spoken and written French

Please click here to view our planning overview for French.


Our 3 aims for our Geography curriculum are:

  • To have an understanding of basic geographical features and practical geographical fieldwork skills (map skills etc)
  • To be aware of cultural difference and ways of life and compare and contrast these
  • To have an understanding of the importance of the world/how it works/how people live and grow a love and enthusiasm for our planet

Please click here to see our long term overview for Geography.


The 3 aims for our History curriculum are:

  • To gain an understanding of where people have come from, how it contributes to life today and how it will develop and shape the future
  • To take inspiration from the world’s/individual’s success and struggles and how they have shaped today
  • To develop curiosity in order to inspire children to discover answers to their own questions

Please click here to see our long term overview for History.


In Maths, we want every child to be:

  • Confident and fluent with basic number skills
  • Competent in applying reasoning and problem solving skills across a range of contexts
  • Positive and enthusiastic real life mathematicians

Our long term overview for Maths can be found by clicking here.


The 3 aims of our Music curriculum are:

  • To explore the effect of music on the mind and body
  • To be able to express themselves vocally and with/without instruments in a range of ways and for a variety of purposes
  • To appreciate the cultural and historical heritage of music and respect its importance and value across different societies

Please click here to see our long term overview for Music.


Through our PE curriculum, we want every child to be:

  • Competent and confident physically
  • Competitive successfully at their own level
  • Demonstrate enjoyment and commitment when developing and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle

Please click here to see our long term overview for PE.


Our 3 aims for our PSHE curriculum are:

  • To develop a breadth and depth of knowledge in order to encourage informed decision-making about their physical, emotional and social health
  • Have an awareness of the world around us and how this links to and affects others e.g. stereotypes
  • Understand how to be a responsible citizen in modern Britain through social/real life experiences

Please click here for our long term overview for PSHE.


Through our RE curriculum, we want every child to be:

  • Knowledgeable about world faiths and views
  • Able to develop their own religious views and opinions
  • Respectful and tolerant citizens

To view our long term overview for RE, please click here.


In Science, we aim for every child to be:

  • Curious and question the world around them
  • Practical and knowledgeable problem solvers
  • Able to value the impact and importance of scientific work

Our Science long term overview can be found by clicking here.